Saturday, November 14, 2009

Will synthetic oil keep my diesel engine going longer?

Yes it will,not only kip it longer but if you decide to use Amsoil it will save you Diesel and repair cost. If you are interested more specific detailed for your engine application please email me all necessary info and I would be more than happy to provide you with all the info,then you decide.
Several good Amsoil Diesel Oil available depend of your engine,year and model. For example Amsoil Series 3000 Synthetic 5W-30 Heavy Duty Diesel oil whit the right filter for your engine.
You can use the sample kit to send in your Oil sample to the lab,so they can tell you if is still good or need to change. Kip all your record (Diesel Fuel,repairs) and if you have previous record you can compare the different. Synthetics are solvents,therefor will clean your engine parts and lubricate all your part with high quality lubrication.
The most important to do to protect your engine is preventive maintenance,and,if you operate OTR
you are already required to do Inspection before and after the trip and between. Kip this habit and it can save you thousands,use the best available fluids and parts.
Have a safe trip
Barnabee Bodi
Authorized Amsoil Independent Distributor ZO#1606872

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